Why you should take a trip

Why you should take a trip
Why you should take a trip

Every time your wife asks you to take her on a holiday, you may be giving her several excuses like having no time or not having enough money.

But do you ever realise what you're missing out on? You need not spend your life savings on a trip around the world or take weeks off work to see a new place. Here are top five reasons you should travel.

To recharge
Following the same home-work-home routine everyday can lead to monotony and boredom. When there are so many places to visit and so much more to explore, why sit on a couch throughout the weekend and waste time watching television? Going on a vacation feels great when you do not have to think about what your wife would say if you reach home late or whether your boss will snap at you for not completing the work assigned to you. The stress of daily life is replaced with thoughts of where you want to sightsee, what you're going to eat, whether to hit the beach and what all to shop for yourself and your loved ones.

To experience new places and activities
You may love your city a lot but exploring new places will give you lot of interesting insight and new experiences that you may treasure for life. From new foods and customs to great people and places you never imagined you'd see, travelling is full of surprises. In this big world, it may not be possible to experience or explore every place or city. Just stepping out of your town or city, you may realise there's so much you were missing out on by being stuck in the four walls of your home.

To get a fresh outlook
One of the best and most rewarding aspects of travel is its ability to provide you with a fresh perspective. Even if you're happy in your job and don't really feel the need to unwind, taking a trip can open your eyes and give you a new lease of life. Your busy routine that includes work, laundry, cooking, cleaning, shopping keeps you fused to a certain mindset. There's no fun in living like a frog inside the well that doesn't know what's happening outside. Whether you go one state over or halfway around the world, what you experience outside your daily routine will help you see that there is much more to life than what is on your to-do list.

To learn
Travelling is like doing a crash course in totally new ways of doing things. You may think that learning stopped the minute you left school, but you should never stop learning, no matter how old you are, and travelling gives you a great opportunity to soak up knowledge from other cultures, people and places. The more you learn, the more fun and enriched your life will be.

To challenge yourself
Challenging yourself is never easy. Travel is challenging for a number of reasons - everything from not knowing the language to eating unfamiliar foods and even getting lost can keep you on your toes and pull you out of your comfort zone. This is probably one of the most important reasons to book a trip. Facing every situation and tuning yourself to it is a great challenge. Helping yourself to grow as a person will help you gain confidence and push past emotional and physical limitations that may be holding you back in other areas of your life.