Add colour to your boring kitchen space

Add colour to your boring kitchen space
Add colour to your boring kitchen space
Move over the regular utensils in the kitchen and add colour to your cooking space by replacing the pots and pans with colored ones and a tinge of innovation.

Want to add more colors to you kitchen and pondering over how to do that. Well, with the market full of innovative kitchen products, the homemaker can do a lot of permutations and combinations to render a refreshing and colorful look to the kitchen.
All you need is some moolah in hand and of course you got to have your money management funda right.
So, if your regular pots, kadhais and frying pans need a replacement then you can very well indulge in some fabulous shop hopping moments. Just be prepared to spend more time than what to do while going for shopping.
There are a lot of colorful pots and pans options in the market. While you can go to the regular utensils vendor next door and ask for information, you can also go to a large retailer with an array of colorful non stick tawas and kadhais. Some pans come with nice patterns inside too, which take away the boredom quotient if creativity interests you.
So here is how you can make your kitchen a spectacle:

If you have old brass utensils that you think you can maintain and spend time to clean those regularly, then by all means use those. They render a unique appeal. If you have small brass containers, you can store rice or pulses that you use on a regular basis in those.
If the steel containers put you off as they have been used umpteen times, you can think of getting those exchanged. If you get those exchanged at retailers like Big Bazaar, then you can look for brands that offer non stick pans and kadhais with the outer layer in different colors.
If steel is what still captures our imagination, then go for brands that offer new designs in steel utensils. Do not buy steel pots if they are light. Go for heavy duty stuff. They have their atypical appeal with those see through lids.
If budget is not a restraint, you can go either for the colourful plastic wear which are microwave friendly. The market has lot of options for you - all you need is time, money and of course - inclination.