Turn to gardening for happiness

Turn to gardening for happiness
Negative emotions such as stress and anxiety are a result of being confined in the same spaces and not getting enough exposure to sunlight and fresh air. Studies suggest that most of us are putting our health at risk by not spending enough time in an outdoor space or garden.

No matter how much place you have in your home, you can try and make room for a small garden or a nursery corner. From young kids to grandparents everyone can enjoy the benefits of gardening. You can either take it up as a weekly hobby or you can opt for small, green corner with easy-to-manage plants that need watering just once a day. Either way, you will reap the benefits of your green space.

Take time out
Gardens are places that engage all our senses in a variety of ways. Simply spending time in an open space can do you wonders. When we nurture a garden, we increase our connection with nature and our sense of well-being. Exposure to a natural environment can help you relax.

Physically invigorating
If you have a good garden space, you have the opportunity to plant whatever you feel like. From vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices to flowers and plants, the options are endless. It is a great form of exercise for the body. Gardening can, in fact, help burn those extra calories and promote better sleep at night.

Eat right
A garden can be aptly be used to grow fresh organic fruits and vegetables, which is far better than the processed foods that most of us consume. Try growing something basic like herbs and spices or even easy-to-grow vegetables. You will have lots of fun using your home-grown produce in your cooking. Vegetables grown at home are also known to taste better and can be picked when you need them. You will also save a lot of money in the long run and eat food with minimal fertilisers and pesticides. Further, plants provide natural oxygen which is healthy for you, bringing in fresh air everyday.

Make the most of your space. Even if your garden simply comprises of a line of potted plants, it's a good idea to keep it.