Kids usually take after parents' drinking habit

Kids usually take after parents' drinking habit
Parents urged to drink less alcohol in front of their kids  

Parents should refrain from drinking too much alcohol in front of their kids if they want to prevent their offspring becoming binge drinkers, a study suggests.

The authors of research by the think-tank Demos said it was "not enough" for parents to wait until their children were in bed before opening the bottle, because their interviews suggested "children are more aware than they are often given credit for."

They added: "Nor does this mean that parents can never drink in the presence of their children. But it does mean that parents should bear in mind how frequently they are drinking - particularly in front of their children."

The two-year study, Feeling the Effects, studied the lives of 17,000 in Birth Cohort Study and in-depth interviews with 50 families where there was at least one problem drinkers, the Independent reported.

Parents with high alcohol consumption were less likely to practise the "tough love" type of parenting which best stops children developing traits associated with excessive drinking, the authors, Jonathan Birdwell, Emma Vandore and Bryanna Hahn, said.

They found that teenagers who perceived their mother to drink "always" were almost two times more likely to drink hazardously themselves as adults than those who reported that their mother drank "sometimes."

Parents who "always" drank were between two times less likely to be "tough love" parents - characterised as "high love, high discipline" - than moderate drinkers.

The authors warned: "Many parents think their drinking has little or no impact on their families, convincing themselves that if they feed and clean their children and make sure they attend school, they have fulfilled their most important parenting duties." "Parenting is not easy, and recent reports suggest that some parents - particularly among the middle classes - reach for the bottle at night to cope with the stress.

"Yet our research in this report suggests, alcohol misuse is potentially hampering their ability to be the most effective, tough love type of parent, which in turn increases the risk of their children developing character traits which could expose them to problematic drinking behaviour," they said.