5 ways to deal with a frenemy

5 ways to deal with a frenemy
5 ways to deal with a frenemy
We all might have that one friend who gets into the frenemy zone — that zone where a friend turns out to be a potential enemy. They are essentially those people in your life who pretend to be friends but aren't necessarily one. Here are a few ways to deal with such people.


After you have identified your frenemy, try and avoid conversation with him/her as much as possible. But then again, if he/she happens to be a co-worker, this could turn out to be slightly tricky, especially when working in the same team. So try and stick to conversations that are official in nature. Mind your own business and make sure he/she minds theirs.

Don't get agitated

Half the battle is won when you stop reacting to what your frenemy does. Do not get angry, agitated or lose your cool when you are falsely accused or a partiular conversation goes out of turn. Instead, keep your cool and continue doing your job. Anger only makes matters worse.


If venting your anger is more your sort of thing, pick a colleague you absolutely trust and talk to him/her about your issues. More often than not, anger is momentary and it is important that you learn to control yourself in those few moments. Talk to a friend so you feel better.

Face it

If things get out of control, have a frank chat with your frenemy. Tell her/him what is the bone of contention. Express your concerns and arrive at a decision that mutually benefits both.

Cut contact

If nothing works, completely cut off from your frenemy. Gradually start reducing the amount of time you'll spent together and withdraw from the friendship.