Make a home garden journal

Make a home garden journal
Make a home garden journal
If you're someone who has trouble when you used fertiliser on your plants or when you watered them, it's time you got yourself a garden journal. This will help you keep track of your greenery...

You need
A large diary
A ring-binder
Coloured tabs or dividers

Design matters
Gardening is a stress-release activity. So, make sure the pages are light, colourful and fun. Each section can have a vibrant heading, information spaceholders and borders. You can add photos of your own plants to decorate the pages.
Info to include
The journal has to keep a track of all your plants — when you bought and planted them and how to take care of them. Write each plant's common name as well as its botanical name, its light and water requirements and a record of seedlings and cuttings.

Your thoughts
These are self-notes: your problems, experiences as well as garden victories.
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