Doggie diet? Anything’s pawsible!

Doggie diet? Anything’s pawsible!
Doggie diet? Anything’s pawsible!
With low-fat lollipups and pupcakes, pooch diets are increasingly getting into organic, healthy mode.
We've heard of everything from doga (dog yoga) and doggie dating services to pet owner and pooch pret. And now, the new trend in the canine world is organic pet diets! Think low-fat muttkins, pupcakes and lollipups that aim to get your pup in ship-shape! An increasing number of pet owners are taking to this healthier diet today.

'Great concept'
Actor Isha Koppikhar who's switched to organic food for her German Shepherd Mowgli, says, "I completely agree with doggie diets going organic. I think natural and organic dog supplies are not just a fad, they are important and have tons of advantages over regular dog food, its properties of curing skin ailments and allergies being one of them."
Model and Bollywood debutante Pia Trivedi is also keen to get her pet to try some of the fare. "Organic food is definitely a healthy trend and I would definitely opt for it! As long as it has the required amount of nutrients for my dog, it's acceptable for me," she says. While the price of organic fare is higher than usual, is it worth the buck? Experts think so.

No 'bones' to pick with it
From trying to combat allergies to being energy boosters, there seem to be absolutely no drawbacks to the food. Gourmet dog bakery owner Kat Ferrera says her organic variety of 'bone-appetit cakes' and 'bow-wow biscotti' are getting hugely popular. "You see, the deal with preservatives is the same for dogs as it is for human beings, so we've made sure all our cakes and products are made with organic flour and honey. Using wheat is a strict no-no as dog allergies due to this are on the rise globally."
Yadika Sharma who runs a 'barkery' for dogs has conjured up a lip-smacking menu of organic gourmet biscuits, muttkins, pupcakes and lollipups! "The pretzels, waffles, pizzas, and made-to-order birthday cakes are gluten-free and a big hit," she says, adding, "The treats that are made from all-natural products such as fresh fruits and vegetables, oats, honey, different kinds of flours like soy, rice and cornmeal. The foods offer a great chance to combat skin infections and allergies, as they are free of artificial colours, chemical additives and toxic pesticides. Organic food also has no bulk-fillers, so the dog maintains higher energy levels; it's a deliciously healthy idea!"