How to behave on your first date

How to behave on your first date
How to behave on your first date
Usually you tend to mess it up on your first date. Here are a couple of dos and donts' to follow

A lot of times, being your best self on your first date is quite difficult. Dating is hard, as you girls know, and remembering all of the different mannerisms to avoid isn't always right at the top of your mind when you are on a date. Here's a list of things you must remember when on your first date.

Eat with your mouth closed

You'd be surprised how many girls don't realise that this is one mannerism to avoid when you're on the date. Make sure you eat with your mouth closed so that you aren't showing any chewed up food!

No tongue kissing right away

Your first kiss on a date should never be a French kiss. It can lead to something sloppy and could give the guy a wrong idea. So keep your tongue at bay for a little while.

Don't talk too much

Often when you are excited, you tend to talk a lot. But when you are out on your first date, make sure you don't start jabbering much. Give the guy also a chance to speak. A guy looks forward to an equal participation in the conversation and if you are constantly babbling about your family, friends and life - he might take the wrong way.

Don't order something messy

When you are ordering food, make sure you don't order something that will turn out to be messy. This outing is unlike your girls' night out, so order intelligently. You should be able to eat your food properly without spilling it around.